Emirates Driving Institute instructors on strike

Close to a hundred driving instructors have gone on strike in Dubai to demand better working conditions.

DUBAI // Driving instructors at the Emirates Driving Institute went on strike for more than four hours today to demand better working conditions.

Close to a hundred instructors gathered inside the institute from about 8am.

Included in their list of demands was a raise of at least Dh1,000. The instructors said they currently earn about Dh3,500 but have RTA fines deducted from that amount, as well as a second 'fine for a fine' from the institute.

The instructors said they wanted an end to the practice of being fined by the Emirates Driving Institute for receiving traffic fines, many of which their students earned.

They also asked for an end to the compulsory two-week refresher course that all instructors must take after returning from annual leave, foregoing pay during that time. Their final request was for better health coverage from the institute.

Police and officials from the Ministry of Labour were at the scene to mediate between management and staff.

The instructors all went back to work at around 1pm after being assured by management that their requests would be considered.


Updated: February 27, 2012, 12:00 AM