Dubai police thwart cocaine smuggling attempts beyond its borders

Dubai Police have helped international agencies to foil attempts to smuggle more than three kilograms of cocaine in five separate incidents.

DUBAI // Dubai Police have helped other countries foil five attempts to smuggle cocaine into their borders.

In each of the cases - which involved a total of 3.5 kilograms of cocaine - the smugglers attempted to conceal the drugs by swallowing them.

In one case an African woman was arrested in Abuja and found to have swallowed 51 capsules of cocaine. In the second, an African man was arrested in Lagos and admitted swallowing 68 capsules.

He had travelled from Sao Paulo via Dubai. Another African man was arrested in Lagos, also having swallowed 68 capsules.

A fourth case also involved a man with 68 capsules in his stomach, while in the last case an Asian woman travelling from Buenos Aires to Thailand via Dubai had four capsules hidden in her clothes.

She had swallowed a further 49 capsules.

Updated: November 12, 2012, 12:00 AM