Black magic maid in Dubai court

A housemaid who served her employers food and juices mixed with her urine in an attempt to control them using magic could not enter a plea before the court.

DUBAI // A housemaid who served her employers food and juices mixed with her urine in an attempt to control them using magic could not enter a plea before the Dubai Court of Misdemeanours yesterday.

"I speak Arabic," said 26-year-old PT from Indonesia. But when the presiding judge read the charge she did not understand or respond.

PT served the family of AS food mixed with her urine for two months until she was caught by AS's wife. She was arrested on May 17.

PT said she was advised to do so by another Indonesian maid who said the wife would start treating her better and pay her more money.

"I urinated seven times in the tea of my sponsor's wife before I was caught," she said in prosecution records.

She confessed to pouring a spoon of her urine into a tea pot from which her sponsor, his wife and her brother, drank.

A bottle containing urine (and pieces of paper with strange writing) were found in the maid’s room.

Her 39-year-old Jordanian sponsor said he hired the maid four months before the incident. She was only discovered when the man repeatedly noticed urine spots in the bathroom at their Motor City home.

The next hearing will be on July 10 to provide the defendant with a translator.

Updated: June 20, 2012, 12:00 AM