Al Ain doctors remove 21 magnets from baby’s stomach

The operation was performed by Dr Khalid Al Harbi, a consultant paediatric pulmonologist

Doctors in Tawam Hospital in Al Ain removed 21 magnets from the stomach of a 23-month-old baby on Tuesday evening.

The operation was performed by Dr Khalid Al Harbi, a consultant paediatric pulmonologist.

Dr Harbi’s team removed the magnets after they triggered eight gastrointestinal perforations and four aortoenteric fistulas between the child’s stomach, colon and intestines.

Once the baby was hospitalised it was found that he swallowed 21 magnetic pieces which had been stuck together.

This necessitated an immediate surgical intervention as it could have caused severe internal injuries.

“With the help of the professionalism of the medical team and the high-tech surgical equipment at the hospital we managed to remove the magnets and close the gastrointestinal perforations.

"The child is now safe and left the hospital in a good condition," said Dr Harbi.

Read more: Baby born with organs outside body has life-saving operation

Updated: August 02, 2017, 6:03 AM