Wayne Rooney received a birthday gift he's sure to use

Just think, this time last year Wayne was turning a mere 27, concerning himself with trivialities like US politics and the impending presidential election.


— Wayne Rooney (@WayneRooney) <a href="https://twitter.com/WayneRooney/statuses/260885244541030401">October 23, 2012</a>

Now a ripe old 28 today, Wayne Rooney has serious matters to deal with, like Alex Ferguson's



We can at least say now with a deal of confidence he's had a chance to read the thing, after his Manchester United teammates gave him the book on Thursday as a birthday present.

Given that Ferguson said things such as, "Sometimes players play the occasion, not the game. Wayne Rooney, for example, was disappointing," about his showing at the 2011 Champions League final against Barcelona, and, "I felt he was struggling to get by people and had lost some of his old thrust," about his entire 2012 season, it stands to reason Rooney will tear through the book's pages.

Winter's approaching, after all, and fires will need to be built.

Updated: October 24, 2013, 12:00 AM