Our coffee culture

From the gahwa of Yemen, a worldwide cafe lifestyle has returned full circle to the UAE.

Considering that coffee originated in this part of the world and remains a staple of social interactions, the UAE has also begun to embrace the trend of artisanal coffee culture that has flourished elsewhere. As The National reported yesterday, sales of both traditional and artisanal coffee are booming.

This wide range of options can only be good news, whether one is chatting with friends over gahwa in a traditional shisha cafe or working as a creative professional fuelled by flat whites in a vibrant cafe similar to those found in European and north American metropolises. Between these options, $121 million (Dh444m) is spent on coffee each day in this country.

Given the influx of vibrant cafes, should we think about rebranding Arabic coffee for this new market? A combination of the best of both worlds would be a tantalising mix: a lively cafe with free wifi and work stations – but the patrons enjoying gahwa instead.

Updated: April 07, 2015, 12:00 AM