New look at an old western

Readers write about social-media influencers, The Magnificent Seven, respect for the defence forces and the hijab.

Your story 41st Toronto International Film Festival touts future of movies (September 8) piqued my interest.

I am thinking in particular of what may well be a first in cinematic history: the remake of a classic western, in this case The Magnificent Seven, featuring a black actor in the starring role.

The replacement of the original film’s Yul Brynner with Denzel Washington shows a more holistic approach to the American Wild West, which did have heroes of different racial backgrounds.

The makers’ contention is that in a world where racism and bigotry have resurfaced, it would be prudent to show that many other people have contributed to America’s history, not just Caucasians.

Whether this version will be as entertaining as its predecessor is anyone’s guess.

However, I do hope that the brilliant theme music by Elmer Bernstein is retained.

AR Modak, South Africa

Who follows online influencers?

It is incredible how lucrative the social media business can be ($5,000 a post: The power of UAE's social media influencers, September 14).

As long as the brands beingpromoted are happy and there’s some sort of measurable outcome through followers who consider using the products, then it’s not a big deal.

I think that the UAE will soon regulate being an influencer as a profession. This would help protect the brand, consumers and the influencer. Good luck to everyone.

Ahmed Alanzi, Dubai

I wonder how many people have actually gone to a shop to buy a product based on a tweet or Snapchat comment.

Name withheld by request

How can you give an honest review if you are being paid by the company?

Chris Reid, Dubai

I never take advice from anyone. If you go out to buy something or to eat, you always have to look for the qualities and service you want. Everyone thinks differently, dresses differently and has different tastes. H Guess, Dubai

Defence forces deserve respect

I agree with your editorial, Paying tribute to those who defend us all (September 14).

We should be so thankful that we can live in peace while others protect us.

Our soldiers are heroes. We should all take a few minutes to think of them. May Allah protect them and reward them greatly for their acts.

Name withheld by request

Hijab must be understood

I was shocked to read in international media that a hairdresser in Olso has been fined for refusing to serve a Muslim woman wearing the hijab.

The lady in the salon saw the woman’s hijab as a totalitarian symbol.

She admitted that she could have turned the 24-year-old Muslim away more courteously, but denied a charge of religious discrimination.

The hairdresser is like many others who don’t really know what is going on.

The hijab is only a piece of fabric that a Muslim likes to wear to cover herself. Other people should try to remain courteous and think harder about what is really happening.

Christina Toebast, Dubai

Funds forced to support Israel

The British government has prevented pension funds from divesting in Israeli companies, thus forcing them to support the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

The views of millions of British citizens not to invest in companies linked to Israel has been ignored. This is a blatant slap in the face for democracy and the rule of law.

Anthony Bellchambers, UK

Technology can tear us apart

I refer to Research to find if Emiratis are prone to drug dependency (September 14).

I don’t think any single group of people is more prone to addiction than any other.

However, I am aware that youngsters worldwide – despite having the latest technology and fashion, and everything on demand – suffer from very high levels of depression.

The solution is to remove materialism and all technological distraction, and for families to spend quality face-to-face time together.

Name withheld by request

Updated: September 15, 2016, 12:00 AM