India's politicians have lost sight of Gandhi's vision

Readers discuss justice, global warming and more

I refer to your article Indian PM Modi's party predicted to win key state (December 15). It is time to reflect on whether political parties need to attack each other so ruthlessly during election campaigns. In Gujarat, the accusations were nasty, with former prime minister Manmohan Singh being accused of conspiring with Pakistan to influence the election results. This was baseless and in bad taste.

Whilst victory in elections is important, political leaders need to ensure that the battle should not become vicious. The attitudes and conduct of the leaders percolates down to common people. An India that rejoices only in victory, but not in values, is not a great ideal. The father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, always emphasised that the means are as important as the result.

Rajendra K Aneja, Dubai

The evil work of extremists must be stopped

The suicide bombers that wrought carnage on a church in Quetta in west Pakistan ruthlessly attacked peace-loving worshippers (Eight dead in suicide attak on church in PakistanDecember 18). Needless to say, the culprits must be found and tried.

K Ragavan, India

We are all to blame for climate change and responsible for quelling it

I refer to your article Clean-energy revolution – watch as it happens (December 17). Climate change is scary and waiting around will not save us. The UN climate agreements will not save us. Only action against pollution and overproduction among other things will save us from the worst-case scenario.

While we need legislation and international agreements, individual countries and cities can still do so much without them. It is the people who need to advocate for change in lifestyle, laws or climate goals in any way they can.

While the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is trying to create protocols that force countries to lessen greenhouse gas emissions, international negotiations are time-consuming and can fall short of their goals. Even if the countries in the UN manage to ratify agreements, they can still opt out of them later, just like the US did earlier this year. People need to advocate for change in policies in their own local governments like several cities and states have done in the US after Donald Trump’s decision to leave the Paris Agreement. We are all to blame for climate change and it is everyone’s responsibility to stop this.

Heikke Merilin Raidma, Abu Dhabi

Money won't ease the heartache felt by Obaida's family

I refer to your article Father of murdered eight-year-old rejects Dh621,000 blood money offer (December 17). Why would they offer money when the killer was sentenced to death? It is down to the family to choose.

Hamida Mahmoud, Dubai

The criminal should be brought to book and the family should be compensated.

Parveen Ahmed, Bangladesh 

I may forgive someone who killed my child, but for him to have been kidnapped by a person I trusted like family, who then molested my child before going on to kill him? There is no way I could forgive someone for that.

Umme Meeran Sayed, Dubai

Updated: December 18, 2017, 12:27 PM