High-tech safety

Dubai’s smart bus-safety system should be rolled out across the UAE, and on taxis too

Road safety requires constant efforts and monitoring. High-tech solutions, including advanced speed cameras and smart traffic signals, have proven to be efficient ways of maintaining safety on the roads.

Yet, more work can always be done and Dubai is leading the way. The Roads and Transport Authority recently equipped 50 public buses with a new device to monitor indicators of drivers' fatigue or illness. Some buses will also be equipped with a system that monitors driving patterns and detects violations of road rules.

Fatigue affects drivers’ concentration and can cause serious accidents. If found to be successful, Dubai’s new bus safety scheme should be rolled out across the country – and not just on buses. Lorry drivers and cabbies, who often work long hours to meet targets, should also be monitored, for their own safety and that of other road users. The technology exists to make our roads safer. Let’s embrace it.

Updated: October 08, 2015, 12:00 AM