US politicians are the ones to blame for the invasion of Iraq

Our readers have their say about Bella Hadid, Iraq, Morsi, US troops, and cat filters

I write to you in reference to your article US Navy Seal goes on trial for Iraq war crimes (June 18).

War criminals must be held accountable for their actions and I am glad the US is stepping up and putting this man on trial for what he did in Iraq.

However this is just the tip of the iceberg. US politicians under former president George W Bush are the ones who ordered army personnel to invade Iraq in the first place, with evidence based on bogus reports. They are the ones who should answer justice.

Shabbir Husain Baliwala, Dubai

A leader who played into the hands of extremists

I write to you in reference to your article Mohammed Morsi: an elected leader who could not govern for all  (June 18).

It was unfortunate that Morsi got involved with the extremist Muslim Brotherhood. Because of its incompetence and inability to govern Egypt, people poured onto the streets of Cairo in anger and he was deposed just one year after being elected.

Egypt evaded the civil war scenarios that unfolded in Libya, Syria and Yemen but Morsi very nearly led his country into chaos.

Mohammed Memon, Raipur

Bella Hadid apologised, so let us stop critising her

I write to you in reference to Emma Day's article Bella Hadid apologises for offending some UAE and Saudi fans on Instagram (June 18).

I do not believe Bella meant any harm and she apologised later for inadvertently offending some of her fans.

People need to calm down. There are far worse things happening around the world right now. Getting offended by an Instagram post is simply ridiculous.

Dalia Daniel-Amini, Dubai

US troops in Middle East are a deterrent to the Iranian threat

I write to you in reference to Joyce Karam's article US to send 1,000 more troops to Middle East (June 18).

This article gave me valuable insight into the US’s decision to send additional troops to the region. This is the only way to counter the threat of Iran in the Gulf of Oman. The Arabian Gulf is known for being a region of flourishing trade, connecting countries. We cannot allow free trade and shipping lanes to be disrupted by Tehran.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru

Paws for thought: cat filters might make politics more fun

I write to you in reference to Evelynn Lau's article Cat filter mistakenly left on during politician's live-streamed press conference (June 18).

Many have said this was a disaster but seeing Pakistan’s politicians with cat ears and whiskers was actually quite funny.

Matthew Daniels, Abu Dhabi

Updated: June 18, 2019, 2:48 PM