UAE cancelling flights is a bold, necessary step

Our readers have their say on flights being suspended, the spread of coronavirus through prisons and the advantages of learning and teaching from home

Flights being stopped is a brave move

With regard to Hayley Skirka's piece

UAE to ground all passenger flights in and out of the country

(March 23):

this must have been a hard decision to take b

ut it is the right one and may such wise choices protect us all.

Christina Toebast, Dubai

This is a sensible move. It is better to stop everything for a few weeks till the virus is contained and everything goes back to normal soon.

Fady Sokhon, Abu Dhabi

Jail conditions are a great cause of worry
In reference to the report New York's prisons record 38 coronavirus cases (March 22): it is an alarming sign that so many inmates, even apart from former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, were found positive for coronavirus. The report mentioned 12 staff members as well. None of this bodes well for the more than 2.2 million people jailed in the US. We also need to think about prisoners in less developed countries. In tightly cramped jail conditions, the risk will perhaps only fully be realised in the weeks and months to come.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

A good long practice of distance learning

With reference to the report Coronavirus: Distance learning a vital tool during 'extraordinary circumstances'  (March 22):

Absolutely. By the end of this all educators will be better at using  technology. Teachers need to have a positive attitude towards remote learning and make the best of a challenging phase.
Deepa Ramachandran Sudhi, Dubai

My kids are also having virtual classes. It's good to see teachers committed and in times like these when kids are inside, it's great for them to interact with their friends and teachers.
Anam Butt, Islamabad, Pakistan

It is inxplicable though why some universities are making their professors go in to work and then teach their classes online from work.
Paul Dessoir, Al Ain

Updated: March 31, 2020, 4:07 PM