Shamima Begum’s unborn child deserves compassion

Our readers have their say about Shamima Begum, saving lives, and luxury items.

I write to you in reference to your article MI6 warns of 'very dangerous' Shamima Begum-style returnees (February 15). Firstly, the ideologies of Isis and similar groups are completely hateful, evil and abhorrent. Such groups and ideologies have nothing to do with Islam.

The repatriation of people who left western countries to join terrorist groups is a very complex issue. Each case needs to be assessed on its facts. In this case, it is our view that the UK should permit her to return for the sake of her innocent unborn child. We should show our humanity towards that unborn child so that he or she is not left to suffer the fate of the two preceding children, who apparently died of illness or malnutrition.

It should be noted that murderers or those guilty of heinous crimes are no longer subject to capital punishment because, as a society, we decided to take the higher moral ground and show our humanity, even in the face of evil. If we can show our humanity towards heinous criminals, does the unborn, blameless child not deserve our humanity and sympathy?

In terms of the mother, if she returns she should be fully investigated by the authorities. If she has committed any crimes she should be charged according to the law and sentenced accordingly.

If she is released into society, she should be monitored carefully with appropriate strict restrictions placed to ensure that it is not possible for her to cause any harm to the state and the peace and wellbeing of the country. The safety of the country should be treated as a priority.

Khalil Yousuf, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, UK

Learning the right first aid manoeuvres can save lives

I am writing in reference to your article Dubai mother seeks women who saved her from choking on mango at a restaurant (February 12).

This story stands as proof that the right first aid manoeuvres can save lives in the most fortuitous of contexts. I hope that learning the Heimlich manoeuvre this becomes mandatory for everyone to learn.

Anuradha Dhawan, Dubai

Donate your money instead of buying luxury items

In reference to your article Eight exotic cars you can buy for the price of a family saloon (February 15), I strongly disagree with buying expensive cars and luxury items.

Those enormeous sums of money should instead be put to use for the greater good.

Rjj Saraiva, Abu Dhabi

Updated: February 16, 2019, 6:05 PM