People spend money on things they do not need

Readers give their opinion on spending, conflict in Yemen, health and more

Regarding the news item, UAE consumer spending set to soar to $261bn by 2021 (August 15), this really isn't something to crow about. Consumer spending is largely just wasteful – buying stuff no one needs. It's all about the rampant waste of money.

Dave Pryce, Abu Dhabi

The housing segment represents more than 40 per cent of what we spend, followed by food and non-alcoholic beverages. Savings are nearing 0.

Ben Kaziz, Dubai

I am not sure who is spending this money. Most people I know have either had their packages cut.

Jennifer Sharp, Dubai

UAE’s mission is to ensure peace for this region

My heart goes out to the families of the soldiers who laid their lives for their country. Their sacrifice will not go in vain (UAE soldiers' sacrifice will not be forgotten, August 14). This nation is committed to peace and prosperity for all in the region. The war in Yemen is a war for peace. Or rather opposition to the elements that are out to destroy everything the people of this region have built for their future over centuries. It's this noble cause that encourages every citizen to willingly sacrifice their lives for this great nation.

Mohammed Al Khateeb, Dubai

Your health depends on how you eat, not when you eat

I refer to your story, Timing is everything: when you eat is as important as what you eat (August 14). This is called intermittent fasting. It doesn't matter when the meal is eaten; the point is you have to fast for 16 hours or more. Also, I think it is better to skip breakfast, because that's when your growth hormone is up and insulin is low. A minimal spike in insulin, which happens after consuming a meal, will stop fat burning. But I agree with the recommendation of two meals a day and no snacking in between.

Dima Molla, Dubai

Why Bollywood blockbusters are failing

In reference to the article, Bollywood bombing badly: why this year's blockbusters failed (August 13), these movies are also failing because the stories are monotonous: boy meets girl, they fall in love, but cannot be together because they are from different backgrounds or castes. Both go on with life believing they will be together one day. Life turns around and they come together in the last 15 minutes for the big finale dance-off. How many times does one need to see this story?

Howard Letch, Dubai

Updated: August 15, 2017, 10:05 AM