More needs to be done to stop animals being abandoned

Our readers have their say about animal abandonment, violence in Aden and Boris Johnson's suspension of parliament

I write to you in reference to Daniel Sanderson's article Could 'pet matchmaking' help solve problem of abandoned animals? (August 31).

Animal abandonment is a huge problem. Animals which are abandoned cannot care for themselves on the streets and often sustain horrific injuries while trying to survive on the roads.

One solution is to close down all the animal markets and stop the sale of animals in pet shops.

Also the authorities must make neutering of all cats and dogs mandatory.

Heavy fines and strict laws need to be put in place and implemented for arbitrary breeders who use several methods to sell animals, including social media.

Priya Mani, UAE

Pet matching could help reduce the problem slightly, but people who haven’t educated themselves and get animals as status symbols more than anything else will not care what they have been told.

Bettina Mundt, Abu Dhabi

United front needed to save Aden and Yemen from terror groups

I write to you in reference to your editorial Aden’s terror groups must be dismantled (August 31). It is sad to read about the breakout of violence in Aden in recent weeks due to factionalism. In order to revive the Yemeni port city – known for its charm and strategic importance – and secure peace in the country, a united front needs to be formed to dismantle terror groups in Yemen. It is now imperative all parties sit down to talk.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru

It’s up to Boris Johnson to find a way out of the Brexit mess

I write to you in reference to Damien McElroy's opinion piece Boris Johnson has taken a bold step but there are formidable hurdles in his way (August 31).

Opinion regarding Brexit may be divided among the British people, which is creating confusion and uncertainty. So it is only fair to let Prime Minister Johnson try to find a solution. One must also remember that a majority did vote for Brexit in the 2016 referendum, and nations are governed based on hard statistics – and not just public emotion.

Nazim Hasan Khan, India

UK protesters unable to grasp realities of democracy

I write to you in reference to Shafi Musaddique's piece Thousands march on streets against UK parliament suspension (August 31).

The thousands that are marching on the streets are unable to grasp the fundamental realities of a democracy.

Daniel Rose, Abu Dhabi

Updated: September 01, 2019, 3:54 PM