Don’t put us out to pasture when we have plenty to give

Our readers have their say on retirement visas, old age and world poverty

I noted with interest Peter Hellyer's column An older, wiser generation will be making the UAE their adopted home (September 18) and your letter-writer KV Shamsudheen, who stated New retirement law will change the face of the UAE.

This great step will stop the brain drain. The UAE has taken a bold step to give meaningful life to its most senior residents.

In my 40 years in the UAE, I have seen many colleagues who left for greener pastures, where the pastures turned out not to be so green. They could not get jobs or renew visas because they were deemed to be too “old”.

When I, as an old man, turned up for an interview for a job that I had done for half a century, I too was told I was “old”.  I challenged the interviewer to push-ups and agreed to submit for strict medical test.

Additionally, some airlines still do not employ candidates over 60, even for a ground job.

I implore the authorities here to not to let older residents degenerate into rotten vegetables but to let them compete with younger individuals. Let the UAE be an equal opportunity employer and let no one be rejected, simply on the basis of their date of birth. That’s how UAE will become a truly great nation.

Kanwar Hayat, Dubai

Our senior residents are a goldmine of experience

With reference to your wise editorial Golden years visas will enrich the whole community (September 18), it is indeed true that many foreign residents who work for decades in the UAE perceive the country as their home. They are perturbed by the thought of returning to the countries from which they hail.

The UAE is one of the best-managed countries in the world and the Government is truly solicitous of its residents, whether they are local or from overseas. All dealings are transparent and digitised. Cities are well-managed and residents feel safe.

Those who live in the UAE for protracted periods find it difficult, nay, impossible, to settle down elsewhere. They cannot handle the corruption, congested traffic, poor health facilities, lack of hygiene and cleanliness when they return to their home countries.

Hence it is wonderful to note that senior citizens will be permitted to live in the UAE post-retirement on fulfilling some conditions. Seniors are a goldmine of experience and knowledge. They can continue contributing to the UAE as advisers, consultants and non-executive directors in the corporate and government sectors so everyone benefits.

Rajendra Aneja, Dubai

The battle to end world poverty starts right here

With regards your online story Bill Gates thanks UAE for role in the fight to end world poverty (September 18), the Microsoft giant has committed to a noble philanthropic gesture by fighting malaria, polio and reducing global poverty. The UAE has given him wonderful support in this endeavour.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru

Updated: September 18, 2018, 3:53 PM