UAE twitter round-up: Google Earth, hair loss and the Olympics

Every week, Felicity Campbell rounds up the best of the UAE's tweets.

Around the UAE

This is so true @ImanBenChaibah: "Google Earth gives u the ability 2 go c anywhere in the world. But what do u do? U go & look at ur house! – via @Mister_Outlaw".
@Spagenie is wonderful with their generous tips and many home recipes for quick fixes. A must-follow if you are into beauty routines. "If you suffer from scaly lips, a simple do-it-yourself trick to exfoliate them takes only a finger scoop of ...".
It sure is but we're more than halfway through now @Dxbdiva: "Oohh myyy gooddness its so humid outside!! Practically swam home from the mall!"
Some wise words from @Algergawi: "'You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.' ~ Cormac McCarthy".
We loved this story from @Mrsdubai. Very cute. Teaching your kids about #Ramadan: "'Mummy, where's Iftar?' Dubai's Desperate Housewife: #expat #Dubai #UAE".


@TheNationalUAE: "Take our poll. Have you noticed increased hair loss since living in the UAE?".
@LifeNationalUAE: "Calling aspiring filmmakers! UAE British Council is searching for young media creatives to develop their skills #movies".
@LifeNationalUAE: "Ramadan brings wealth of new TV shows on OSN @MyOSN @OSNYaHala".
@TheNationalUAE: "From @LifeNationalUAE New #GCC website Gulfography aims to bridge the gap with art".


@DXBConfidential: "Learn to cook at a unique culinary school – open during #Ramadan > #Dubai #GCC #DubaiConfidential #UAE".
@WildWadiDubai: "Enjoy #Ramadan with #Wild #Wadi every Friday & Saturday from 12pm-12am!".
@Cobonedeals: "For 2: Hotel Stay, breakfast and late checkout for 44 USD instead of 88 USD at Nejoum Al Emarat #Hotel  #deal #sharjah".
@LivingSocialAE: "The summer is only half way & we are celebrating that fact with another awesome kid's Summer Camp deal.".

We've all got a lot to say on what's going on when it comes to this year's Olympic Games. Some highlights from our favourite Twitter folks:
@Arabianmau's cats were surely disappointed: "*sound of can opening* cats leap with Olympic like jumps in air 2 find a can of almonds I opened 2 snack on while watching #Olympics.*hiss*".
@Brentblack: "How can you not root for a guy named Dong Dong? #olympics".
@Nagham: "So many hijabis competing in the running events – one of which did pretty well (Oman). Proud :) #Olympics".
@JonathanHaynes: "For anyone who's not seen it yet – here's the full video of Boris Johnson getting stuck on a zip wire #Olympics".

Updated: August 07, 2012, 12:00 AM