Google Assistant will now tell you if your flight is delayed

Smartphone users can get flight notifications before airlines announce delays

Hey Google, is my flight going to be delayed?

Ask your phone this question on your next trip and you’ll get an answer that’s reportedly 85 per cent accurate, because the tech company has added a flight delay prediction feature to its assistant.

Using Machine Learning, historic data and current airline status information, the feature has been available on Google Flights since earlier this year, but has just been added to the assistant.

In a blog post, the company explained: "You can ask things like, "Hey Google, is my flight on time?" or "Hey Google, what's the status of the American Airlines flight from Philadelphia to Denver?"

A new feature will also see the Assistant proactively notify passengers via their phone if algorithms predict delays, meaning that users could find out about changes even before airlines have announced delays. The reason for the prediction, whether it's a late incoming flight or bad weather, will also be provided.

At present, the 15 per cent margin error means users are advised to still check conventional flight information services. However, with Google having upped its accuracy threshold by 5 per cent in the last 12 months, the company's use of AI looks set to continue to improve.


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Updated: December 24, 2018, 6:37 AM