Time frame: Emirates Red Crescent has been helping the needy for 35 years

Emirates Red Crescent is celebrating 35 years this year, and the organisation helps with first aid, raises funds and support orphans in places like Yemen, Afghanistan and Sudan.

It may only be a couple of years old, but this photograph of a regional volunteer distributing bread to needy children in Iraq is a poignant image, reflective of the more than three decades Emirates Red Crescent has been lending their support to official authorities during times of war and peace.

The children in this picture are just some of the hundreds of thousands to have been displaced, and back in 2015 were residing at the Hersham refugee camp (where the non-­government bakery was being run). Attacks by Islamic State militants forced them to shelter at this location 10 kilometres west of Arbil in the Kurdistan region. In dire straits, they are grateful for the generosity.

Emirates Red Crescent is celebrating 35 years this year, and the organisation helps with first aid, raises funds and support orphans in places like Yemen, Afghanistan and Sudan.


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Updated: February 10, 2018, 3:28 PM