The beauty spy: On exfoliating gloves

You won't see her, but she's there, in the salons, spas and shops, and she's happy to share her secrets on exfoliating gloves.

There are few times in your life when you come across something so special, essential and vital that you know you will never again be able to live without it.

When it costs only about Dh10 and is available from Carrefour, so much the better.

The latest love of my life? My exfoliating gloves. They are pink and now have a key position in my bathroom, alongside my shampoo and soap.

There are many things in there I can live without. Eye cream, for instance. I find the ritual of even trying to encourage my wrinkles to get lost very dull. Or anti-cellulite cream. Apart from the lovely, cooling effect it has on my thighs I can see no other discernible advantage. But if I had to relinquish my exfoliating gloves I would refuse.

They are indispensable because they make such a difference to the way my skin feels. Forget creams or exfoliating lotions. You pop the gloves on to your hands, rub some soap into them and go to work. It is a little bit like a Moroccan bath but without the olive-oil soap, the steam and a the requisite burly woman.

You rub and scrub every part of your body and then rinse off the soap. You are gleaming, shining, sparkling, a whole new definition of clean. I think the gloves also help you to lose weight. Think of all that skin you are peeling off. Apparently we lose about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells from the surface of our skin every minute, which adds up to around four kilos a year.

The other advantage is that those dead skin cells end up down your drain and not all over your house. Most of the dust you see is, in fact, dead skin cells. So you save on vacuuming as well. What's not to like?

My gloves also keep me healthy. Do you know how bad it is for your skin to have all those dead cells kicking around? It is one of the most ageing things you can inflict upon it.

Dead skin cells can not only poison your skin with oxidants, but also act as a barrier to absorbing all the good things you are putting on in the form of expensive lotions and potions. Dead cells can also block sweat glands, which can lead to blackheads or spots. Added to which, when you take away old cells you stimulate new cell growth so your skin looks younger. Don't use the gloves on your face though. If you do, proceed gently, or you will end up looking like an Englishwoman after a day at the beach.

There is no excuse not to invest in these gloves. You will end up with glowing, young-looking and healthy skin. Whether you exfoliate daily or once a week, just do it.

3 of the best

From flabby to firm. Shape up this January with these skin firming creams

JERGENS SKIN FIRMING, DH24 A light fragrance cream that helps increase the skin's elasticity. After regular use, skin is softer due to its improved moisture content with a visibly reduced orange-peel appearance.

CLARINS BODY SHAPING CREAM, DH259 A luxurious body treatment that provides an intensive firming action, so that the skin is lifted and becomes smoother and more toned.

SOAP & GLORY RETURN TO SLENDER BODY CONTOURING GEL, DH50 A nice thick cooling texture that sinks quickly into the skin. Tightens and firms.

M loves

Maria Galland cooling eye mask

After a long night, not nearly enough sleep and a fancy brunch in two hours' time, we were in need of some serious soothing for our tired eyes. We patted this smooth white cream around our peepers and felt instantly alert. The result: that same just-brushed, fresh-mouth feeling but for our eyes. A must-have for post-party recovery.

Dh70, Health First Pharmacies

Updated: January 01, 2011, 12:00 AM