My Luxury Life: Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani reveals some of the things that have inspired his creativity.

If you could wake up anywhere else in the world tomorrow, where would it be?

Maybe on my yacht, with the Mediterranean sun shining through the porthole.

You're sitting down to the perfect dinner. What are you eating, where are you dining and who is with you?

Simple, healthy, fresh food - grilled fish or chicken, vegetables and fresh pasta with tomatoes. I am at home, with family and friends.

If you were building your dream home, where would it be and what would it look like?

I already own several houses that I love very much. One that has a special place in my heart is on the volcanic island of Pantelleria, between Sicily and the coast of Tunisia. Several years ago, I bought a group of dammusi - old buildings set back on a hill. Inside, they feature the Armani/Casa look that I wanted to blend with the raw nature of the island. The result is a contrast that is as unexpected as it is pleasant.

Are you a collector? If so, what do you collect?

I am not really a collector but I like to bring back mementoes from my travels, small objects in particular. I do have a penchant for Art Deco, though, and have amassed quite a few pieces of furniture and objects from that school of design.

Is there an item of clothing from your past you would find difficult to part with? I have some pieces that I've grown fond of, yes, but I prefer to have a solid stock of my favourite garment, the dark blue T-shirt, in cotton for summer and in cashmere for winter. They are very practical and comfortable, and extremely versatile - I wear them with smart, tailored jackets, and also with casual, cotton trousers and trainers.

Which grooming product or treatment do you swear by?

The Giorgio Armani Skincare line.

What was your first luxury purchase?

My first car: my Maggiolino Volkswagen. Back then it was a real luxury.

What is your most treasured possession?

My health and beloved people. I also have a painting by Matisse that I love. I saw it and I knew I wanted to spend time with it.

Do you have an essential accessory?

My white sneakers.

In your opinion, who is the most influential designer of all time?

Coco Chanel. She knew how to dress women in a refined, elegant, but also rational way.

What new designers should we look out for?

All the young designers who show a certain coherence in style. I find the Chinese scene to be particularly interesting. At the moment I like the work of Uma Wang, which is minimalist, and so to my taste.

What would be your advice for a designer embarking upon their career?

Define your own aesthetic and stick to it and believe in it. Pursue it with passion, and remember that hard work does pay off.

Updated: March 14, 2013, 12:00 AM