Life lessons: Diane Morgan

The associate dean of degree programmes and career services at London Business School shares her life lessons with M.

1. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Throughout my life, I've had incredible mentors, sponsors and genuinely thoughtful family, friends, colleagues and classmates who encourage me. You have a choice - choose to have positive people in your life with good energy and don't be afraid to ask for help. And, when they tell you you are great, believe them.

2. Be kind to yourself and to others. I've shamelessly stolen the mantra "Honour where you are today" from my sister's yoga teacher because it is a reminder to appreciate the ebbs and flows of life. Sometimes you are more up for some things than others and sometimes people show up differently. If you accept that you have different abilities, pressures and motivations during life, and so do other people, it is easy to understand and be kind.

3. Celebrate and have fun. My mother always sets a beautiful table, even when it is just a regular family dinner, and she taught me not to wait for the moments to happen or save the good china, but to celebrate the wonder of every day. Appreciate slices of time - moments that will never look exactly the same again. I think that is magical and it can happen at big events but more often than not, it will be something more simple like a great dinner with friends.

4. Follow your instincts and passions, even when you are terrified of doing something new. I moved to Europe on my own when I was straight out of college as I was fascinated with Italy and the Italian language. I worked at an outdoor flea market in Florence, and kicked off what has been a travelling lifestyle that I love.

5. Make it easy for others to succeed. Be the boss who removes obstacles, creates opportunities and lets others shine. Be selfless about giving credit and praise.

As told to Jemma Nicholls

Updated: February 29, 2012, 12:00 AM