Fatma Almosa, communications director

Fatma Almosa is the director of strategic communications and media at the Abu Dhabi Education Council. Born and raised in Abu Dhabi, she is completing a master's degree in communications at Zayed University.

Fatma Almosa is the director of strategic communications and media at the Abu Dhabi Education Council. Born and raised in Abu Dhabi, she is completing a master's degree in communications at Zayed University.

Life is a journey. A path full of ups and downs; happiness, sadness, joy and prosperity, poverty, love, misery, faith, confidence and anxiety. You cannot feel happiness unless you experience sadness and you won't achieve great success unless you experience failure.

Never have great expectations. Giving doesn't necessarily mean you will be rewarded. However, you should be full of enthusiasm and passion to do and give, without regrets or disappointment.

Challenges make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. I learn to take pride in my accomplishments. My life is meaningful when I solve problems, that is what gives me purpose and personal pride.

Don't be scared of the unknown. People are often scared of what they don't know -situations they find themselves in which are unfamiliar. But we need to face our fear of the unknown if we ever want to accomplish things in our life.

Don't pretend to be a master of knowledge. Anyone can be ignorant in some areas of life. It is not wrong or shameful to say "I don't know", but it is vulgar to say "I know" when you don't.

Updated: June 19, 2010, 12:00 AM