A few tips to make ironing quicker and easier.

One of the most basic ways to help you speed through a mountain of ironing is to deploy the biggest, widest ironing board you can find. It’s obvious really — with each swoosh of the iron you can cover a larger area before having to reposition the item. It makes ironing sheets so much easier. Secondly, buy the best steam iron you can afford.

Spraying clothes with water to dampen them slightly also makes ironing so much easier, and it’s really nice to scent the clothes at the same time. Just fill a spray bottle with water and spritz in some squirts of your favourite perfume. Add 20, sniff, and if it’s not enough, add a few more. It’s a great way to use those little free samples that perfume counters give away. Fabulous smelling clothes for free.

Of course, the best way to cut ironing time is to cut the number of clothes that need to be pressed. Avoid buying clothes that need ironing, if there’s a good alternative.

* Taken from Simply Wonderwoman: A Survival Guide For Women With Too Much To Do (Kyle Books) by Joanna Gosling, Dh103, www.amazon.com

Updated: September 19, 2013, 12:00 AM