Teixobactin breakthrough could save millions from drug-resistant infections

Researchers say they have developed new versions of mammalian tissue-killing molecule

A "game-changing" antibiotic could be used as a last line of defence against superbugs to save millions of lives from otherwise drug-resistant infections after a breakthrough by UK scientists, a study suggests.

Researchers say they have developed new versions of the molecule teixobactin, which is thought to be capable of killing bacteria without damaging mammalian tissue.

Teixobactin was first hailed as a "game-changing" antibiotic in 2015, but the new project has developed "synthetic" classes of the drug, scientists say.

These versions could destroy a wide range of microbes taken from human patients, a team including researchers from the University of Liverpool has found.

They also successfully eradicated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, a so-called superbug that is resistant to several widely used antibiotics, in a study on mice.

More than 1.2 million people died in 2019 from antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, a study published in The Lancet in January said.

Scientists said the tests suggested that in future, patients may be treated with just one dose of teixobactin per day for systemic life-threatening resistant bacterial infections.


Our ultimate goal is to have a number of viable drugs from our modular synthetic teixobactin platform which can be used as a 'last line of defence'

Dr Ishwar Singh

The synthetic versions can also be kept at room temperature, making global distribution easier by eliminating the need for cold chains, researchers said.

Those leading the project, which was delivered in association with the University of Lincoln, also hope the tests may pave the way for the drug to be produced inexpensively on a large scale.

By swapping certain amino acids on the molecule for cheaper alternatives, they said the cost of materials has been reduced more than 2,000 times.

Lead researcher Dr Ishwar Singh said the breakthrough was a significant step towards unlocking the full medical potential of teixobactin to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

"Our ultimate goal is to have a number of viable drugs from our modular synthetic teixobactin platform which can be used as a 'last line of defence' against superbugs to save lives currently lost due to AMR," Dr Singh said.

The researcher said the team hoped to eventually get synthetic teixobactin ready for safety testing, which, if successful, could lead to a drug being developed to treat resistant bacterial infections worldwide.

An AMR review commissioned by the UK government predicted that by 2050 an extra 10 million people will succumb to drug-resistant infections each year.

Covid is also thought to be speeding up the global threat of antimicrobial resistance, meaning the development of new antibiotics that can be used as a last resort when other drugs fail is crucial, scientists said.

UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid called the findings "fantastic" and said the research was a "clear example of [the UK] being at the forefront of scientific advancements, which can benefit people across the world."

Updated: March 29, 2022, 11:41 AM