Drivers must learn how to drive safely during downpours

Drivers failure to adjust to wet driving conditions explains high rate of accidents. Other topics: child safety, rental prices, music in hotels, good Samaritans and Indian politics.

The statistics in your news story, Accidents 'every 2 minutes' in Dubai as rain wreaks havoc across the UAE (March 26), are alarming and mainly due to the fact that motorists do not take precautions when driving in the rain.

Most people continue to tailgate and drive at high speeds even when the roads are wet and slippery.

While driving from Sharjah to Dubai yesterday, I was surprised to witness some motorists speeding in puddles of water, splashing it on other cars on the road.

It isn’t the rain that should be blamed for these accidents but the poor driving habits and inconsiderate attitude of drivers. It was very unfortunate that there were not enough police patrols on major roads during the rain.

Motorists engaged in numerous violations such as sudden lane changing without the use of indicators, queue-cutting, reckless overtaking and countless more violations that can all lead to accidents.

Similar situations will only be averted in the future if people learn to drive safely based on the conditions.

Fatima Suhail, Sharjah

I think that the RTA’s syllabus and driving tests should include wet-road driving and what precautions to take during and after rainfall.

This should also include what to do – and not to do – in the event of a car failure. We might see fewer incidents then.

Cajetan D'Souza, Sharjah

Parents have a role in child safety

I'm writing in reference to your story 40,000 homes in the UAE to have windows made safe (March 26).

I think this is a good idea but parents still need to watch their children and protect them from household hazards.

Jen Bishop, Abu Dhabi

This is a great step in the right direction and the only question is why this measure was not adopted long ago.

While these safety devices will prevent children falling from high-rise buildings, it is also the responsibility of parents to be vigilant with their young ones and not leave them unaccompanied.

Children should not be allowed on to balconies or near windows without adult supervision.

When these safety devices are installed in the near future, we hope it means no more innocent lives will be lost.

Name withheld by request

Rising prices must be controlled

I can relate to your news story Dubai property agents 'demanding double commission otherwise no apartment' (March 26).

There seems to be no control on these agents. Rents are now skyrocketing in all parts of Dubai and many people are suffering.

I hope the authorities take action against these brokers and landlords.

Shakir Ullah, Dubai

Turning down the music ‘not enough’

I welcome the decision to request hotels to turn off music during the call to prayer (Reduce volume of music during call to prayer, Abu Dhabi hotels told, March 23).

However, I feel that the practice of many hotels and social clubs in Abu Dhabi of serving alcohol to Muslims is an even more serious matter.

I request that the authorities restrict the sale or supply of alcohol to only those who may lawfully consume it – non-Muslims with a liquor licence.

Name withheld by request

Good Samaritans deserve credit

I want to thank the two gentlemen who came to my rescue when they saw me crouched in pain in the Tourist Club area on March 16.

They called my husband and stayed with me until I was fetched by the ambulance. You were true gentlemen and angels of God.

Lorna Burness, Abu Dhabi

India opposition’s role is critical

I refer to your story India stocks soar as momentum builds ahead of general elections (March 18).

Despite the sustained campaigns against political irregularities, the joining of film stars, bureaucrats and journalists in Indian politics is setting a new trend altogether.

The journalist and author M J Akbar is among the new faces for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the main opposition party.

Power blinds politicians to the gravity of the issues faced by ordinary people, because the power they wield is used to serve their own interests and not as an instrument to bring about a perceptible better change in society’s lot.

Let us hope the focus will be on how issues such as inflation and corruption are replacing good governance.

Ramachandran Nair, Oman

Updated: March 27, 2014, 12:00 AM