Technophile: Keyboards for tablet typers on the go

For the travelling tablet user who craves a tactile typing experience, there are several options of wireless keyboards.

Logitech Keyboard Case for iPad

The look The Logitech Keyboard Case serves its Apple master well, designed for iPad users who need a real-world home-row keyboard to interact with their virtual world through their tablet-sized portal. It also doubles as a protective screen cover when not in use.

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The touch Your iPad 2 rests unconnected, easel-style, at an angle - in either landscape or portrait modes - behind the full Bluetooth keyboard which is functional, although not as roomy as a regular laptop design.

Key points The Logitech Tablet Keyboard 2 comes with special keys for iOS shortcuts (volume control, cut and paste, etc), and would be a simple, affordable solution for frustrated tablet typists on the go.


Matias Bluetooth Folding Keyboard

The look In theory, there's nothing wrong with the idea of a foldable tablet keyboard that is easy to carry, and the Matias Bluetooth Folding Keyboard gives it the ol' college try, though it looks awkward once it spreads its wings to a full 46 centimetres.

The touch The Matias Bluetooth Folding Keyboard, which is powered by two AAA batteries, is a full-functioning keyboard and even has a number pad, which might be useful if you're a workaholic accountant who commutes on the bus. But since it doesn't lock in place, you'll still need a flat surface to use it.

Key points This tablet keyboard solution gets an "A" for effort, but many people may find it creates more problems than it solves.


Apple iPad Keyboard Dock

The look Apple's aluminium keyboard dock looks almost identical to the iMacs' wireless keyboards, with the addition of an iPad stand in the back, with a dock connector, so you can charge your iPad as you use it.

The touch This keyboard has the clean, simple layout and functionality Apple customers have come to expect, and also comes with some useful shortcut keys - brightness, Spotlight search, volume control, to name a few.

Key points Many iPad users will no doubt consider the Apple-branded solution their first, if not only, choice for a keyboard dock. Keep in mind, however, that it is bulky and will not be a comfy, sleek fit inside a backpack, unlike most everything else Apple makes.


Updated: July 22, 2011, 12:00 AM