Looking far afield for profits

What to expect in our latest issue.

How much do you pay for rent? If your answer is "too much", you are not alone. Rental rates in Abu Dhabi are becoming out of the reach for many people, and while residential developments in the capital will eventually soften the housing crunch, the bald truth is that the faltering economy has turned Dubai into a renter's paradise. So much so that many people who work and live in Abu Dhabi are uprooting themselves and moving to the emirate up north, deciding that the savings far outweigh the three-hour daily commute.

Robert Ditcham talks to two such people in this issue, and their experiences might help you find your next flat, and save money to boot. Our cover story explores Second Life, a 3D digital universe that has helped people around the world profit from virtual merchandise and real estate, including some enterprising students at Dubai Women's College who have found a market for abayas. If it sounds too good to be true, read the story, and get your business plan together.

Elsewhere in this issue we talk to a masseur, a construction site supervisor and a corporate lawyer. They come from different backgrounds and areas of the globe, but their approaches to matters financial illustrate the same point - money touches all of us, and it's the way that we use it (hopefully wisely) that counts. Invest in your future and you can achieve almost any goal. In matters more sombre, Stuart Birch explains why it's important for you to make plans for something we will all face - death.

Rounding out this edition of Personal Finance, Matthew Chung tells you what you need to know about insuring your car, Patricia Santos makes the case for a pair of quality - and small - headphones, and Nick March takes a look at the merits of giving your children pocket money on a regular basis. Is there anything you want to see in our pages? Do you have a story to tell? Let us know at pf@thenational.ae

Updated: March 14, 2009, 12:00 AM