Tweet Talk: That Kevin Bacon advert and Ross's diet

Taylor Swift just loves that Kevin Bacon commercial and Conan O'Brien teases his children at Christmas.

That Kevin Bacon advert and Ross's diet

"I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas. I also hope that Kevin Bacon commercial comes on again. Best. Commercial. Ever" Thanks. For. The. Info. Taylor. Swift. We checked it out and we wholeheartedly agree. December 24.

"I am thinking about starting post Christmas diet soon. Have Comedy Awards in 4 weeks and at the moment i resemble Mr Creosote..." We feel your pain, Jonathan Ross. Incidentally, could someone pass us that last turkey leg please? December 26.

"I am and always will be 2 good 4 @luke_worrall darling ur pretty face will only get you so far because u don't have the brains to back it up" Ouch. Better watch your back, Mr Worrall. Looks like your ex-fiancée, Kelly Osbourne, is on the warpath. December 28.

"I thought it would be funny to stuff my kids' Christmas stockings with actual stockings. I've never heard crying like that." Is it wrong that this made us laugh so much? Maybe, but it's not our fault our new favourite tweeter, Conan O'Brien, takes such pleasure in torturing his children. December 26.

"The Internet & TV response to the news of our engagement has been really overwhelming. Lots of loving support out there. We appreciate it." It's a rare day when a celebrity praises the media. In any case, we're happy for the veteran playboy, Hugh Hefner, who got engaged last week to his uh, ever-so-slightly younger girlfriend, Crystal Harris. December 28.

"At airport ..... "paging standby passenger mcbeef". Thank you announcement guy" We love that the affable tennis player, Andy Roddick, finds joy in such simple things. December 27.

Updated: December 30, 2010, 12:00 AM