Gaming news: Azerbaijan and China feature in Battlefied

Electronic Arts is slowly lifting the lid on its next Battlefield instalment, with a new piece of video footage unveiled.

There's not really enough to give it a full preview, but Electronic Arts is slowly lifting the lid on its next Battlefield instalment, with a new piece of video footage unveiled.

The 17-minute teaser sees a squad of US soldiers trapped in a sinking vehicle followed by a flashback to a firefight with Russian militants in Baku.

Alongside Azerbaijan, China is another confirmed location, while the single-player looks as though it has been rejigged from Battlefield 3's missteps, with a bigger focus on open environments that give players more tactical freedom and ways to command squad mates.

More will no doubt be revealed in carefully timed marketing announcements, but according to the Microsoft’s Xbox 360 blog, the game will be hitting shelves on October 29.

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Updated: April 03, 2013, 12:00 AM