Film review: The Croods

Featuring spectacular environments and bizarre creatures that young kids will adore, The Croods is a fast-paced delight.

The Croods
Kirk De Micco, Chris Sanders
Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds

Slightly beneath the Flintstones evolutionarily, the Croods are prehistoric cave dwellers who survive by hiding. For the teenager Eep (Stone), it is a suffocating existence; she longs to shake off her over-protective father Grug’s (Cage) control. Salvation arrives in the shape of Guy (Reynolds), a ripped young hunk who is developmentally superior. Grug tries to resist his progressive ways, but with the world as they know it about to end, change is inevitable. Featuring spectacular environments and bizarre creatures that young kids will adore, The Croods is a fast-paced delight. Cage brings humour to his vocals, while the film’s numerous action set pieces have the hyper-kinetic zip and nuttiness of a Chuck Jones or Tex Avery cartoon. Forget Pixar’s sophistication, sometimes simple pleasures are all you need.

Updated: March 21, 2013, 12:00 AM