Banksy creates Simpsons opening sequence

The artist Banksy has created an opening sequence for The Simpsons.

The graffiti artist Banksy has created the opening sequence for an episode of The Simpsons, called MoneyBart, which aired in the US this week. The short montage features shows Simpsons merchandise being created in a hidden sweatshop - before ending with a bleak depiction of Fox's logo, complete with barbed wire. Here are five other facts about the show's famous opening sequence.

Take Five... First couch gag The first couch gag aired in the second episode of the show, Bart the Genius, in 1990. The sequence showed Bart being squeezed out of his spot on the sofa and flying into the air, before landing in front of his seated family.

Take Four... The Flintstones To celebrate becoming America's longest-running animated TV show, one opening sequence featured the dysfunctional family entering their house to find characters from the The Flintstones - the cartoon that had previously held the title - seated on their couch.

Take Three... HD television Almost 20 years after the first show aired, the credits were modified slightly - at the beginning of 2009 - in celebration of the show's switch to high-definition TV. The shopkeeper, Apu, Bart's arch nemesis, Sideshow Bob and the price of Marge's shopping (which reflected rising inflation) were just some of the new additions.

Take Two... Maggie scan According to the new credits, Maggie costs $243.26. The original figure was based on how much it costs to raise a child in the US for one month, according to Matt Groening.

Take One... Live version To celebrate the launch of the 17th season (in 2006) the British TV channel, Sky One, filmed a live-action version of the opening sequence. The video was, unsurprisingly, a huge viral hit.

Updated: October 13, 2010, 12:00 AM