Game of Thrones first-look images tease plot secrets - in pictures

Ahead of the eighth and final season, HBO reveals pictures containing a potential spoiler about Jaime Lannister's future

With the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones set to air on April 14, HBO has unveiled the first cast images from the upcoming finale season.

Famous for avoiding spoilers in promotional trailers, the images have fans abuzz debating what Jaime Lannister's new set of armour means. Gone is the lion-adorned, gold flecked armour that the knight wore in his last fight for Cersei Lannister and in its place is a steel-riveted suit, similar to that worn by the army in the North.

At the end of season 7, fans saw Jaime begin his journey north so this new photograph could be his effort to blend in. Fans are also speculating that it could mean the Kingslayer has decided to cross over to fight for the other side.

Armour controversy aside, the pictures taken by photographer Helen Sloan, do not reveal too much more, other than confirming which characters will definitely return to the screen.

Cersei Lannister is pictured near to the Iron Throne and another picture shows British actress Emilia Clarke returning as Daenerys Targaryen and standing alongside Jon Snow, played by Kit Harrington.

Arya, Sansa and Bran Starck all feature in the cast shots as does Tyrion Lannister, Sir Davos, Varys, Brienne of Tarth and Samwell Tarly.

The six-episode finale is set to bring the Westeros story and the saga of who will rule the seven kingdoms to a close. With less than five weeks to wait for episode one, winter really is coming.

Updated: February 08, 2019, 12:12 PM