Happy Nowruz in 22 languages: Iranian singer welcomes the year 1399 with a message of 'unity'

Nowruz celebrations were dampened this year, but Aidin Tavassoli hopes his video will spread a message of solidarity

Friday, March 20, 2020 marked the beginning of the year 1399 for around 300 million people around the world.

Happy Nowruz, or Nowruz Piroz Be.

Nowruz celebrations across the world were muted due to the coronavirus crisis, however Iranian singer Aidin Tavassoli celebrated responsibly, while staying at home, with a song wishing people a happy new year in 22 languages.

"I'm sure in 1399 we will be celebrating a big defeat when we defeat the coronavirus," the singer wrote from Tehran when sharing the video, saying we will hopefully "end this century well". The video has been viewed more than 184,000 times in less than 24 hours.

The song features greetings from around the world, including Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Pakistan.

Tavassoli said he wanted to show the "world equality, brotherhood and friendship". The video strikes a chord in a time when the entire globe is struggling under the coronavirus, with Iran particularly badly affected at the moment.

What is Nowruz?

The new year celebration is celebrated particularly those that run along the historical Silk Road. It's estimated that around 300 million people celebrate the holiday.

In pictures: see photos of 2019's lively Nowruz celebrations around the world here

The celebration of renewal, and the coming spring, is said to date back to at least the 6th century BCE: it is one of the holiest days in the ancient Zoroastrian calendar.

It is marked across the globe, including in parts of Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraqi Kurdistan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

While there are many unique traditions connected to the new year that run across the globe, almost all communities will mark today with some sort of feast, and by spending time with family members and friends.

Many households will also clean their house (a spring clean if you will), buy auspicious items like flowers or fish and decorate their doors and windows with floral gardens. Symbolic items will also be placed on a table in the home: including water, candles and traditional food and fruits.

Updated: March 23, 2020, 12:32 AM