Diddy needs to work on his grammar

Celebrities share their twitter thoughts with the world.

"I used to agree with the quote "its never to Late". But its not the truth! truth! Sometimes it is too late! So do it today! Don't Let time run out." Diddy proves it's never to late too learn good spelling and grammar. June 6.

"Last night I felt like a wooden puppet on a cobblestone street." Who wood believe it? Pinocchio in platforms by Jessica Simpson? June 4.

"Just watched blue valentine w michelle Williams & ryan gossling liked them both! Relatable painful story of love now watching the notebook." Thrilling. Just like Gayle King's new show on Oprah's network OWN. June 5.

"I was rocking the goatee over the weekend. Then I realized I had a goatee… and shaved it." Something clearly got Ryan Seacrest's goat, for now he's back to "rocking" nothing. June 6.

"I'm laying in bed most of the day and pampering myself .. Big photo shoot tomorrow.. Don't wanna look like the cat drug me in… Even though." Kirsty Alley takes a cat nap before her close-up. June 7.

"I'm having a poached egg on wholemeal toast. Ping will get the crusts." Bird table for two? Elizabeth Hurley breakfasts with her pet parrot. June 7.

"When U make backhanded insults U sound like a bitter lil nerd. Be upfront if UR gonna hate on people, just do it. Jellyfish." Joel Madden dishes out the stinging insults. June 7.

Updated: June 09, 2011, 12:00 AM