The diversity of clothing standards in the UAE's malls draws comment from many readers. Pawan Singh / The National
The diversity of clothing standards in the UAE's malls draws comment from many readers. Pawan Singh / The National

Obeying the rules about modesty

I was very interested in the continuing story about what women wear at the mall (Call for crackdown on skimpy clothing, May 29).

I admire the young ladies who have started this campaign. They have found a firm but polite way to assert their own values and those of the country.

But I am a little bemused by the role of the malls. At Dubai Mall one day this week, for example, we saw many women shoppers in various styles of attire; many knees and shoulders were to be seen.

In the shop windows, however, there were countless plaster or plastic mannequins carrying clothing that was skimpy, snug, or both. Malls and shops are certainly sending mixed messages when they ask customers to cover up to come buy such fashions.

Winnifred Monaghan, Dubai

The malls should consider hiring westerners to speak to western shoppers about what's appropriate to wear there.

Neatly dressed western women, in modest western attire and with badges identifying them as mall employees, could probably get the point across to female shoppers most effectively.

Iona Rider, Abu Dhabi

The rule is simple: dress decently.

You don't have to be covered head-to-toe but do cover your bare shoulders and do cover up your legs as well.

Further, see-through clothes are not appropriate in public anywhere in the world, and are also terribly tacky.

The UAE is a gracious and tolerant host; nobody should abuse this. And don't use the heat as an excuse, as there is air conditioning everywhere inside, and outside one should cover up against the sun.

Jean Lewis, Dubai

It isn't just about women. There are a lot of male knees and shoulders to be seen in our malls, also, that would be better covered up.

Anita Blakely, Dubai

Numbers help mobile dealers

My brother and I have often noticed the long unbroken row of mobile-phone stores on Defence Road. So your story Rocky whistles amid mobile frenzy (May 30) was quite interesting.

We often ask each other "Why haven't they all put each other out of business?" But as the story says, the concentration of shops helps, rather than hurts.

Yusuf Rasa, Abu Dhabi

Graphene won't change the world

I refer to Goodbye silicon chips - and hello graphene (May 27). Samsung is hardly the only tech company in the world pursuing graphene to replace silicon.

Samsung's legal battles with Apple are part of the reason they have announced this to the press - to take the focus off their continued fight.

As you said, Japan was first to market with transistors that allowed it to make cheap electronics. But how is Japanese electronic manufacturing doing today?

Adam Ruttan, Dubai

Keep watching for fire danger

Thank you for providing comprehensive coverage of the deadly Doha fire (Tragic list of characters in a terrible, terrible tale, May 30).

It was reassuring to read that public safety is taken seriously in the UAE. But I'm sure there's always room for improvement and your editorial the same day (Doha tragedy is a reminder to plan for worst) was correct that vigilance is the only defence.

Michelle Khalli, Abu Dhabi

Give him a chance to pay his debts

I refer to the news story Runaway executive starts new ventures (May 30).

No doubt there are people who lost money; that's what happens in a worldwide economic crisis.

The real issue here is if the mindsets don't change, entrepreneurs will be reluctant to set up in the UAE because of the consequences of failure.

It is too early to know if Mr Ford will pay his debts but if he is to do so, he obviously must earn some money first.

In 1998, I lost money on an investment in the UK and expected never to see it again. But to my surprise, nine years later every penny was paid back to me after the person started a new business.

If Mr Ford had stayed in the UAE he might well be in jail. That would serve no real purpose. Many banks in Dubai try to recover debt using tactics that are very disappointing.

Hina Chaudry, Dubai

Runaway businessmen should do more than simply stating how eternally sorry they are and how seriously committed they are to paying back everything that is owed.

The lack of bankruptcy laws in the UAE is not the only problem. Some businessmen have tragically affected the lives of many customers and suppliers.

Ali Sedat Budak, Abu Dhabi
