It's too hot for delay

Postponement of a formal law on the Thermal Work Limit system need not delay the start of its use, a reader says. Other letter topics: Libya, Greg Mortenson, active brains, Israel, and divorce.

The opinion article In Libya victory celebrations first, tough questions later by Faisal Al Yafai (August 23) clarifies some concerns of ordinary people in Libya's continuing fight for true freedom.

Even though severe damage has been done to much of the country, the achievement of the opposition is substantial. Perhaps without so much intervention from Nato, Libyans would have been more united all through the conflict.

The conflict was aimed solely at freeing the country from the rule of one man after four decades. But now the security concerns which are being raised will be the biggest challenge for Libyans.

It will be a mammoth task for the new administration to focus on damaged infrastructure, burnt oil installations, and scattered cultural icons. In another sense there is 40 years worth of damage to be repaired.

It is obvious that post-conflict efforts will be much more complex than the fighting was. Real collective effort will be needed to restore normality.

The uprisings in Tunisia and then Egypt and now Libya have all finally favoured ordinary people's wishes. It's all part of history now and should work for the true interest of generations ahead.

Ramachandran Nair, Oman

Divorce no reason to be rejoicing

I refer to the article How to have an amicable divorce (Aug 23). You do not marry to get divorced.

The article said that marking divorce with some sort of formal ritual is not just a celebrity trend. This making a mockery of marriage.

Those who do it fool none but themselves and they should not try to propagate such ideas just because they happen to be self-made celebrities.

JD, Dubai

Accuser doesn't have clean hands

CBS' 60 Minutes programme has accused author Greg Mortenson of fabricating his inspirational story and mismanaging the funds of his charitable organisation.

Jon Krakauer said that Mortenson tells a "beautiful story, and it's a lie." (Three Cups of Deceit: The real story of Greg Mortenson, August 19).

It certainly appears that Mr Mortenson confabulated parts of his inspirational story. But Mr Krakauer has his own credibility problems with his books.

Once Mr Mortenson comes out of seclusion, he certainly needs to answer questions about his literary and financial practices.

Mr Krakauer also needs to answer questions. Just like Mr Mortenson, Mr Krakauer is not talking to the press.


Exercise the brain by active daily life

You can exercise your brain through critical reading, creative writing, developing tastes for the fine arts, enjoying outdoor life, watching sports etc (How to keep your brain as healthy as your body, August 22).

Life without creativity and enjoyment will cause your mind to turn sterile. And your physical health will deteriorate too.

According to the American business tycoon Armand Hammer, the brain is a muscle.

That's not medically correct, but the brain, like a muscle, does grow with exercise. My life experience of 80 years affirms it.

John D, Dubai

Consequences of unjust practices

You cannot blockade 500,000 families in Gaza for four years and expect Egypt and surrounding states where Palestinian exiles live not to plan action to remedy the injustice and the loss of life (Israel says Hamas responsible for 3 attacks that killed 7 in Sinai, August 19).

It is extraordinary how myopic the current right-wing government of Israel is, to imagine that there would be no consequences to its policies.

Colin Dale, UK

Those in charge should know rules

I really appreciated the story Law to protect workers from heat stress delayed (August 22).

It is quite interesting that some safety practitioners working in different companies in the UAE don't appear to have necessary knowledge closely related to their job.

Thermal work limit (TWL) regulations await final approval from the Abu Dhabi Environmental Health and Safety centre to become law.

While this wait is continuing, I have a suggestion: I think a telephone, SMS or email system should be put in place for those in charge of health and safety issues.

They should be able to share vital health and safety information such as the daily TWL rating with employers and others so that even without a law, everyone will know what it the right thing to do and set a good example.

Khalid Mahmood, Abu Dhabi

Updated: August 24, 2011, 12:00 AM