Happy to pay for the privilege of living in the UAE

Readers write about the VAT, road safety, Amazon and other issues.

I refer to VAT 'is a way to pay the UAE back for all it has done' (April 3).

I came from a country where I paid 40 per cent taxes on most of my earnings plus 20 per cent VAT on purchases.

Part of the attraction for moving to the UAE was the better weather and the tax-free living. So would I be happy to pay 20 per cent VAT or 20 per cent income tax? Yes, probably – if there were benefits with it such as free health care and school fees.

E Pentney, Dubai

I don’t have a problem paying my taxes here because of the excellent services the UAE offers – unlike my home country where there is widespread corruption.

Samuel Oballa, Dubai

The UAE should also have income tax. It should be at least 15 per cent on those who earn more than Dh7,000 a month and 20 per cent on incomes above Dh10,000. Gulf countries have given so much to expatriates and it is time we contributed to the GDP.

Syed Hemayune, Dubai

Photo was used to stir up hatred

I agree with Shelina Janmahomed's comments about the woman in the hijab who was photographed at Westminster during the attack (Violent misogyny is a common trait among extremists, April 1).

I first saw the photo on Facebook and saw it for what it was – an attempt to stir up hate for Muslims. The comments that followed, as expected, were racist to an extreme and so many that any positive comment I added would have disappeared in the swamp.

I did what everyone should have done: deleted the thread and ticked the box that I never want to see it again.

B Walley, Dubai

Doctor offered home surgery

I refer to your warnings about unlicensed plastic surgeons (Woman arrested in Sharjah for performing cosmetic surgery without a licence, March 27).

Once I visited an ear, nose and throat specialist in a reputable hospital for treatment for an ear infection. While I was there, the doctor tried to convince me that he could perform lip-filling procedures and surgery at his home.

He even gave me his phone number and said he would give me a discount.

H Khan, Ajman

Bus drivers not best teachers

I can't believe that school buses are going to become mobile classrooms where the drivers teach children road craft (Bus drivers to teach UAE pupils road safety, April 2).

In my experience, some school bus drivers are a menace on the roads. Racing, swapping lanes and bullying their way into traffic are just some of the issues.

Unless their attitudes and ways of driving change, we are on the road to breeding a new generation of inconsiderate young road racers.

Name withheld by request

It's not speeding that causes accidents, it's the lane discipline and idiots on their phones (Officials backtrack on move to reduce speed limits on Emirates and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed roads, March 29).

Germany has no speed limits on some of the autobahns but it has fewer accidents than here. It also has a variable speed limit, so people do not speed up and then brake when they get to one of the thousands of cameras.

J Plank, Dubai

Tailgaters should receive the biggest fines and have their vehicles impounded. I see reckless and irresponsible driving several times a week.

L Lade, Dubai

Office delivery saves hassle

I am writing in reference to your editorial Amazon buy means malls must adapt (April 3).

I already buy most of the stuff I need online, from confectionery to cosmetics, clothes and accessories.

Factors that have influenced me include the crowds and noise of large malls, and the lack of the items I need.

Constantly being chased by shop assistants who are overly eager to sell you the newest item keeps me as far from the malls as possible.

I’d rather have parcels delivered from all corners of the world to my desk at work.

Katarina Koos-Koos, Dubai

I have recently ordered loads of stuff from Amazon as I am moving back to my home country. But, of course, waiting for deliveries is a pain.

C Goodey, Abu Dhabi

Updated: April 03, 2017, 12:00 AM