Finding a name for Dubai’s dinosaur

Deirasaurus Rex and Jumeiratops are among the suggested names for Dubai Mall's dinosaur. Other topics: driving in fog, ban on 'Noah' film and Emirati children.

Your photo gallery, Remains of 155 million-year-old dinosaur on display in Dubai (March 11), asks for name suggestions. How about Dubizilla?

Ahmed Albaidhani, Dubai

How about Deirasaurus Rex? Jumeiratops? Mallzilla? Karamarama?

Hamid Butt, Abu Dhabi

Bad drivers are a bigger risk than lack of fog lights

Your article, Road experts agree on need for fog lights (March 11), misidentifies the problem: it has nothing to do with fog lights and has everything to do with idiotic drivers.

Only this morning in the fog, I witnessed a motorist driving slowly in the outer left lane with his hazard lights flashing.

This was then causing faster vehicles to pass on the inside lane, creating many near misses with other vehicles.

What is required is better standard driving instructors delivering a higher standard in training.

This coupled with actual penalties of confiscating vehicles and banning drivers will slowly move standards forward.

Craig Dorrington, Dubai

This is nothing to do with fog lights and everything to do with selfish drivers who are ignorant of road rules and how to drive in different weather conditions.

I bet none of them left enough distance between cars and were speeding.

Aziza Al Busaidy, Dubai

Just using their cars’ normal lights would be an amazing improvement.

This morning I was constantly shocked by vehicles driving erratically fast without using their headlights and without using their indicators.

It’s crazy and so dangerous.

Paula Jane Cox, Dubai

We took no chances… we kept the children at home today.

Casper Morgenstern, Dubai

Today at 7am, several cars were driving in thick fog without even their normal lights on.

It’s not about making mandatory the fog lights, police should give huge fines for those risking others’ lives.

Csanád Birtalan, Dubai

I say don’t blame the technology – blame the drivers.

Driving at 160kmh in fog is stupid. Drivers who do so are not just endangering themselves but also the poor souls they hit.

Matthew Smith, Abu Dhabi

Fog lights? Seriously?

How about maintaining a bigger distance behind the car in front – whether or not it’s foggy.

Tarek Omar,Abu Dhabi

Opinions polarised on ‘Noah’ film ban

With regard to your article, Holly­wood film Noah will not be shown in the UAE (March 11), I'm against censorship but not only does this movie contradict "the teachings of islam" but it also contradicts history, because almost all the actors in this movie are white.

I’m just saying that it is known that the people of Noah and Noah (pbuh) himself were Semites of middle eastern descent.

Alyazia Al Hosani, Dubai

We live in a modern world. If you’ve been living under a rock, just look at Dubai.

We should embrace being in the modern Muslim world because that’s the only way to move forward. Oh, and if you don’t want to watch it then don’t. Simple, right?

Ziggy Darwish, Dubai

Regardless of whether the entire Muslim population agrees or disagrees, the controversy about this movie is reason enough to ban it in a Muslim country out of respect.

Does offending a religion mean being modern? If that is the case, then I would prefer to live in the stone age.

Tariq Jallad, Abu Dhabi

Other religions respect Muslims during Ramadan, so I don’t see why Muslims can’t deal with a simple movie being released.

If you are offended, don’t watch it – but allow followers of other religions to watch it.

Ange Gergis, Abu Dhabi

Treat all Emirati children equally

I really loved Ayesha Almazroui's article, Proposed law will help empower all women in the UAE (March 10), and I support what she wrote 100 per cent.

Women should have equal rights as men do and the UAE is already moving towards that but I have some questions about the children of Emirati women married to foreigners.

Is it fair for a son of an Emirati male to be granted the passport at birth while the Emirati women’s children will have to wait till they are 18 years old, can show they have lived in the Emirates for at least five years and pass a security check before being given citizenship?

I think that if women are to be considered equal then their children should have the option of getting the passport at birth.

Ruwa Bitar, Canada

Updated: March 11, 2014, 12:00 AM