DIFF Festival Buzz

Fans of The West Wing and Apocalypse Now actor Martin Sheen with have the chance to ask him questions during the In Converation event at the Dubai International Film Festival.

Jim Sheridan

Jim Sheridan said “For me as a director, it’s always the story that’s important, and afterwards, about how it looks. At Dubai Film Festival this year, I am hoping to see something unusual that I haven’t seen before. I think there will be new stories told.

“I think you need stars in films. It’s impossible to get a movie without stars.

“One of the greatest films ever made was made in the Middle East - Lawrence of Arabia.”

On Nelson Mandela - “ I was part of the Free Nelson Mandela Campaign, we were all working together. I worked particularly well with the Minister of Education for his Government in India, Asma.? Mandela spent a lot of time in Ireland.” (many of Sheridan’s films are about Ireland, and set in Ireland).- The National staff

Updated: December 05, 2013, 12:00 AM